Mikuna Ricky Echanique

Chocho: Unveiling the Power of the Plant-Based Super Protein with Mikuna’s Ricky Echanique

I’m so excited to introduce you to my favorite clean plant-based protein source and the founder of Mikuna, Ricky Echanique. With a mission to change the future of food by nourishing people and the planet, Ricky has deep roots in agriculture and in Latin America.

He is a fifth generation Ecuadorian farmer and former professional athlete. At the onset of his athletic career, Ricky faced health and digestion issues, which set him on a new path: to find a better form of plant-based nutrition. This journey led him back home to Ecuador where he found Chocho, the “Andean super protein.”

In today's episode, we're talking about Ricky’s journey to bringing chocho to market in the United States, what the chocho bean is, how it stands out against other plant-based proteins, its nutritional profile, how it’s used in farms and tables in Ecuador, and how this very special bean healed Ricky's chronic fatigue and immune issues.

We also share my struggle to find clean plant-based proteins to recommend clients, and why I love this protein source so much. It's a pleasure to bring my friend Ricky onto the show.