The team behind Just Thrive is back once again. Tina Anderson is an attorney turned healthcare CEO, and Kiran Krishnan is a research microbiologist. Every day, we’re learning more about the connection our gut health has to all aspects of our body: from our immune system to our brain function to even depression. Together, our guests are here to tell us all about how our gut health can support our immune system, how it works in general, and what you can do to take that power into your own hands.
Gut health is strongly tied to brain health, and they call this the "gut brain connection"
Leaky gut is the leaking of endotoxins into the bloodstream through the gut lining, and it can lead to negative brain impacts like increased anxiety and depression
Increased endotoxins (or LPS) in the blood has been shown to have an increased correlation with anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer's
If you are dealing with multiple food intolerances, slow reintroduction combined with probiotics and digestive enzymes can help rebuild tolerance
Our gut health is critical for keeping our immunity and T-cells working in the best way possible
Prolonged, consistent probiotic consumption helps support better uniformity in gut microbes and better functionality of your overall gut microbiome
External stressors start to activate the HPA axis and cortisol increases inflammation, Just Thrive's new psychobiotics help support that stress response to regulate the HPA axis
Be Well By Kelly is a production of Crate Media
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- ListenSupporting Your Immune System Through Gut Health with Tina Anderson & Kiran Krishnan