Dr. Elisa Song

Whole Family Wellness: Helping Our Kids Thrive with Dr. Elisa Song

Dr. Elisa Song is an integrative pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and a mama. In her integrative pediatric practice, Whole Family Wellness, she's helped thousands of kids get to the root cause of their health concerns, and she's helped their parents understand how to help their children thrive – mind, body, and spirit – by integrating conventional pediatrics with functional medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and essential oils.

Grab your notepad for this one, as we cover all the science, and the just-as-important implementation, of personalized medicine and how important it is to take a custom integrated approach to wellness. Talking through a few examples, including the always-pesky ear infection, Dr. Song describes how a reliance on antibiotics is selling us short.

We also do a nearly three-year update on COVID (and long-COVID), the vaccines, what was promised, and what now seems like the more likely reality of it all – that making an informed decision as a family is everyone’s best option.

There is so much more information out there than even a couple of years ago. It’s so important that we find as many sources of evidence-backed data as we can – and we’re glad to bring you one of those sources today. Huge thanks to Dr. Elisa Song for taking the time with our community.