Dr. Terry Wahls

A New Hope for Healing Multiple Sclerosis by Dr. Terry Wahls

My guest today is Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she conducts clinical trials testing the effect of therapeutic diet and lifestyle to treat MS and related symptoms. Through her custom protocol, Dr. Wahls overcame her own diagnosis of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which had confined her to a tilt recline wheelchair for four years.

Now, she bikes to work, plays with the dog, and generally thrives as a health and wellness messenger of critical importance to our world. In this deeply moving and informational conversation, Dr. Wahls shares stark first-person memories from the painful early stages of her healing journey, details the nutrient-dense diet that changed everything, and looks into the future of MS treatment – spotlighting the important role that nutrition has to play in it all.

If you have MS, or know someone who does, I definitely recommend her book, The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles & Functional Medicine, where she details her story at length.

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