Dr. Shefali

The Parenting Map: A Guide to Building the Ultimate Parent-Child Relationship with Dr. Shefali

Today's guest is New York Times bestselling author and clinical psychologist, Dr. Shefali. She's an expert in family dynamics and personal development and teaches courses around the world. She's written a multitude of books, including The Conscious Parent, The Awakened Family, and her newest book, The Parenting Map, with step-by-step solutions to consciously create the ultimate parent-child relationship. Dr. Shefali offers a profoundly practical and groundbreaking parenting solution that helps parents actualize their deepest desires for their children. This step-by-step guide disrupts toxic inherited patterns and replaces them with authentic connections that allow us to see and respond to our children for who they are, and who they can become.

The book is a minimalist approach to parenting, which is truly getting to the basics, knowing they are good enough, and actually more important than all the other things that we've built up to be important milestones for our children. Focusing on healing ourselves, letting go of control, and allowing for the playful, fun of childhood will lead to the most resilient adults. In this conversation, Dr. Shefali opens my eyes to the incredible opportunity in ditching the rules and need for control.

Thank you to Dr. Shefali for spreading this message to parents that doing a good job doesn't mean being perfect, it really just means getting the basics right. I took lots of notes during this conversation, and I know other parents out there will get a lot of value from it as well. I’m so excited to welcome Dr. Shefali to the show!