Blog posts Make Healthy, Wholesome Meals Any Day of the Week with Alex Snodgrass of The Defined Dish

Make Healthy, Wholesome Meals Any Day of the Week with Alex Snodgrass of The Defined Dish

Alex Snodgrass, creator of food blog The Defined Dish, is passionate about two things: big, bold flavor and healthy living. We talk about making healthy eating more accessible and managing your energy so that you can eat and live well.

Alex Snodgrass is passionate about two things: big, bold flavor and healthy living. She’s set out to prove that the two are not as misaligned as you might think. At her blog, The Defined Dish, Alex shares meals with clean ingredients that pack a punch. Her new book, The Comfortable Kitchen, offers 105 recipes that are as comfortable to cook as they are to eat. We talk about making healthy eating more accessible and managing your energy so that you can eat and live well.