Dr. Latt Mansor

The Truth About Ketones: Benefits, Use Cases & Impact on Brain Health with Dr. Latt Mansor

In today's episode, we’re joined by Dr. Latt Mansor, a distinguished researcher and world-renowned expert in physiology and metabolism, holding a PhD from Oxford where he conducted pioneering research. Dr. Mansor serves as research lead for the wellness product brand, HVMN, where he oversees the company's initiatives and collaborations with universities and research institutions.

He's made significant contributions in understanding the role of exogenous ketones, work which forms the basis of our conversation today. I've been using exogenous ketones since 2017, and the technology has improved vastly, starting as salts and moving to esters. Now, the best-of-the-best on the market is a diol.

Dr. Latt explains the use and role of exogenous ketones in everything from lowering inflammation to supporting healing through a traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's, and dementia; how exogenous ketones work in the body and their benefits; and why the United States government has contracts with him to provide energy to our elite men and women on the front line.

I also share my own experience with ketones and how I’m using them, postpartum, to feel my best. I'm so impressed with how the technology has improved, how much better it tastes, how great you can feel, and all of the amazing benefits. If you’d like to try Ketone-IQ, use the code KELLY for 20% off of your first order with HVMN. Note, this is an affiliate discount code from which I may receive a commission.