My Favorite Immune Boosting Morning Drink with Be Well Lemon Water Essential Amino Acids & Creatine

Be Well Living
My Favorite Immune Boosting Morning Drink with Be Well Lemon Water Essential Amino Acids & Creatine

Whether you want to quicken your recovery from an illness or boost your immunity during cold and flu season, my Immune Boosting Morning Drink is the right move.

I first created it when I was struggling in the middle of Influenza A. I loved the clarity and elevation I felt after drinking it so much that I turned it into an every morning habit well beyond recovery. 

My Immune Boosting Morning Drink is easy to blend in a single pass, creating a concentrate that can be used all week long (or frozen into cubes to last even longer!). 

Let’s take a look at each intentionally-chosen ingredient and how — individually and together — they boost your body to be at its best:

Be Well Essential Amino Acids

If you’ve not already added Essential Amino Acids or Creatine to your routine, it’s time to get in on some of the most-researched and highly regarded supplements in the wellness industry – and I’m going to share why they’re not just for gym bros! I’m a daily EAAs and Creatine devotee for brain health, immune strength, body composition, mood elevation, and protein synthesis benefits to name a few. Let’s dive in…

Be Well Essential Amino Acids contain all 9 essential amino acids at optimal levels for absorption and utilization. Some of the many roles essential amino acids play within the body include:

  • Protein synthesis, or simply, the creation of proteins within the body
  • Growth and repair of tissues, including collagen and elastin
  • Repairing and rebuilding muscles – an ongoing process in everyone, but demands are higher in those who exercise
  • Supporting immune function
  • Synthesizing neurotransmitters and hormones (aka encouraging optimal cognition)
  • Energy production and fat metabolism
  • Regulation of digestion as the precursor to digestive enzymes

Curious to learn what sets Be Well Essential Amino Acids apart? Meet Be Well Essential Amino Acids: Why, How, When and Who Should Use Them!

Be Well Creatine

Coming soon! You heard it right (make sure to sign up below for early access and be the first to shop after it launches)! 

I’m a huge fan of creatine for everyday wellness, but I’m also aware of why many don't take it – some formulations can be difficult to digest, leading to bloat and discomfort. With Be Well Creatine, I knew it needed to be elevated and different. This is why we created a micronized, super powdery creatine with absolutely no grit that can seamlessly be added to coffee/tea/smoothies. It’s a 95% bioavailable formulation, making it super easy to digest (and gets rid of swelling/bloat/discomfort that turns people away from creatine!). 

Beyond the formulation of Be Well Creatine, the benefits of this bio-available creatine for everyday women and men are incredibly powerful:

  • Can lower risk of depression and low mood
  • Lessens some of the immediate effects of sleep deprivation
  • Supports cognitive function, particularly during times/seasons of stress
  • Supports cognitive function, particularly as we age
  • May have antitumor effects
  • May improve bone + muscle mass, which is especially important as we age
  • May improve metabolic health markers

Lemon + Ginger

Ginger contains vital nutrients including iron, magnesium, vitamins B6 and C, and zinc. Lemon is high in vitamin C, important minerals like potassium, and powerful flavonoids. Both contain potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and have the ability to enhance immune cell activity.

Turmeric + Black Pepper + Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which is another potent antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and it aids in regulating immune system activity and even protecting against pathogens and bad bugs. 

The powerful combination of turmeric, black pepper, and olive oil is strategically taken together for its synergistic properties. Black pepper increases the bioavailability of curcumin by 2000%, but it’s also fat soluble, meaning it is more efficiently absorbed into the body when ingested with fat. This is why we add EVOO (source). 


Salt provides important trace minerals and natural electrolytes. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar balances your body’s pH levels, aids in liver detoxification, and can improve the body’s immune response against pathogens. 

Intentionally chosen ingredients. Simple. Powerful. And together they synergize to offer widespread benefits for your well-being. Make this concentrate once and enjoy my Favorite Immune Boosting Morning Drink all week!

And don't forget to sign up below to be the first to know when Be Well Creatine officially launches...

  • Prep Time

    5 minutes

  • Total Time

    10 minutes

  • Servings


  • Freezer Friendly



  • Be Well Lemon Water Essential Amino Acids
  • Be Well Creatine*
  • 2 cups of lemon juice or 6 lemons (you can cut rind off and blend just the inside)
  • 2 thumb size pieces of ginger
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric or 1 thumb of fresh root don’t need to peel
  • 1/2 tbsp salt
  • 1/4 tbsp pepper
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar



  1. Add all ingredients to a high powered blender. Strain into a jar – concentrate keeps in the refrigerator for a week or freeze in cubes for extended use.
  2. Add 1 ounce of concentrate to a glass of hot water with a scoop of Be Well Lemon Water Essential Amino Acids and creatine.* Blend/froth and enjoy!

*Be Well Tip: You can enjoy this beverage without the creatine or swap it for your favorite creatine for now while you wait for Be Well Creatine to launch!