Fab Four under Four Smoothie

Fruity Fab Four Under Four Smoothie

Sharing real food that tastes delicious is the best way to build healthy habits together. Next time you are making your Fab 4 smoothie, double up on the ingredients and share some with your kids!

Every sip counts. Get in the mindset of “adding goodness” by increasing plant points and celebrating every sip or bite your child takes of whole foods, and move into a place of motivation instead of deprivation. That is where real change happens.

I LOVE when they want sips of my smoothie because I know they are drinking down collagen amino acids like glycine, and getting a good source of polyphenols, fiber, and vitamins. It’s a sip of goodness for blood sugar balance and microbiome health, and laying the foundation for future habits.

What can you add to your kids plate today?

If you’re looking for more healthy, blood sugar balancing breakfast options, you’ll want to check out this article – Easy and Healthy Breakfasts. And if you want to learn more about raising empowered eaters, check out my Fab Four under Four Course here.

  • Prep Time

    2 minutes

  • Total Time

    5 minutes

  • Servings


  • Freezer Friendly



Note: This makes two servings. Use 1 serving of protein powder for a single serving.


  1. Place all your ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until you reach your desired consistency.
  2. Pour yourself a glass and fill up your kids favorite Thermos, and enjoy!