To beWELL while you travel we recommend sticking to the basics: hydration, sleep, movement and proper nutrition. Here are 10 things we are packing right now:
Reusable Water Bottle: Airplanes, early mornings and jet-lag all lead to dehydration. Stay hydrated by bringing a water bottle with you and refilling it along the way. We love our Life Factory glass bottle, but any glass or safe steel bottle will also do the trick.
Eye Mask: You never know what the accommodations will be like when you travel. Most hotel rooms are full of electronics and little green or white lights that keep you from the deep REM sleep that cleanses your body and mind. Good sleep is needed to balance blood sugar and hormones. Pick up our favorite eye mask Bucky 40 Blinks and beBEAUTIFUL every morning.
Magnesium: If traveling means all bowel movements come to a grinding halt, listen up. This mineral is responsible for 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Sadly, most Americans are deficient! We love supplementing with magnesium because it relaxes our intestines, keeping us regular on the road. It also helps us fall asleep naturally. Pick up a few single serving packets of Natural Calm; stir the powder it into water and drink before bed. Natural Calm is also approved for pregnant women and a great supplement to help keep you regular. Pregnant or not, you will thank us later!
Probiotics: Keeping healthy bacteria alive abroad will keep your bowels moving, immune system strong and body ready for any new pathogens you might encounter in a different country. Consider upping your intake on the road.
Protein Powder: Whole Foods and other Natural Food stores sell individual packets of your favorite protein powder and we recommend you bring at least one for each day. Shake it up with water and start your day satiated. Women who start their day with healthy fat and protein eat less overall and have greater insulin sensitivity. They even report feeling more calm throughout the day.
Shaker Bottle: This might be obvious, but it’s for the protein shake or for a quick coconut oil latte. If you want to go crazy, bring your Citamix. (We don’t judge, we’ve done it!)
Coconut Oil: The benefits of coconut oil go on and on… Use it as lotion, a coffee creamer, a hair mask or just a snack. Artisana single serving packets are our favorite. Healthy fat keeps you satiated and it might be hard to add this fat to your smoothie on the go. Shake your coffee with a packet of the Artisana coconut oil and drink it down.
Nut Packs: Nuts are a great healthy snack that don’t need to be refrigerated and individual packs can be taken on your daily excursions to ensure you don’t crash. We love Trader Joes Almonds on the go.
Body Scrub Mitt: Taking a skin brush in your bag can be a hassle, you might need to pack it wet in a bag and they can actually be quite heavy. Don’t worry, these four little words will change your life, Supracor Spa Bath Mitt. This spa mitt works the same as a skin brush but dries quick, weighs practically nothing and is the perfect beBEAUTIFUL travel tool.
Light Tennis Shoes: The newest running shoes are literally only a few ounces and fit into luggage easily, we love the New Balance Vibram or the Nike Free. Just move, walk the city, find a hike, jump on the tennis courts or get a quick 2 mile walk in on the hotel treadmill. Just a little movement will help you feel great and keep you in the habit of staying active so you aren’t derailed when you get home.