Choosing to Heal with Dr. Kelly Brogan

Choosing to Heal with Dr. Kelly Brogan



Holistic psychiatrist and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Kelly Brogan, explains how showing up for yourself is a choice, and why the integrative path of awakening and radical self-acceptance leads to purposeful, long-lasting healing.

It’s hard to believe that holistic psychiatrist, Dr. Kelly Brogan, spent the initial segment of her career connecting mental issues to the “right” pharmaceutical prescriptions. After a U-turn in 2010, she replaced the prescription pad for a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. Now, she encourages her community to turn inward, using nutrition, lifestyle, and meditation as a springboard for the profound, emotional shedding that leads to deeper healing. 

In this episode, we examine what it looks like to reparent your emotions and nurture your own safe container as a path out of victimhood. Dr. Kelly generously shares her own human experience, how she works through shadow moments showing up in her life, and how you can work through your triggers for radical self-healing.

Show Notes:

  • Dr. Brogan takes a holistic approach to medicine rather than immediately turning to pharmaceuticals

  • It's helpful to understand that suppressing bad feelings like fear often lead to coping mechanisms that aren't effective

  • Suffering can end when you begin to truly understand your feelings

  • After you recognize those feelings, you can begin the process of "reparenting" and providing yourself with the care and validation you may not have received as a child

  • Dr. Brogan supports self education, detox, and contemplative practice (meditation) as steps for retraining your brain and rewiring your long-held beliefs that are holding you back

  • When you feel upset or feel judgement, it could be a reaction to prior trauma in your life

  • The tension we feel in our bodies is a call for attention that is needed inward

  • Remember that escaping from negative feelings and trauma is difficult, but the connection you can build with yourself is worth it


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Be Well By Kelly is a production of Crate Media