Finding Alignment in Your Body with Lauren Roxburgh #FabulousFriends

Finding Alignment in Your Body with Lauren Roxburgh #FabulousFriends



Lauren Roxburgh is an international bestselling author, speaker, and wellness educator who’s often dubbed “the body whisperer.” She’s the founder of the Aligned Life Studio, the Aligned Tribe community, and the Aligned Healing Tools. As we start to put our bodies back into alignment, we start making better choices. She shares all about the fascia and the importance of listening to it, why some call it our sensory organ, and how many aspects of our lives it flows into.

You will learn about...

  • Listening to our fascia

  • The way trauma gets stuck in our bodies

  • Identifying your own misalignments

  • The biggest problem areas for women’s alignment and how to correct them

  • How to use foam rollers effectively

  • Lo’s daily routine


Be Well By Kelly is a production of Crate Media