New York Times bestselling author and intuitive healer, Laura Day, reveals how you can use your intuition to realize your goals.
Learn how to use your intuition as a survival skill with bestselling author and intuitive, Laura Day, who helps individuals and corporations harness their innate abilities. We discuss how to heighten your awareness, tune into your intuitive energy, and set your goals in motion from a spiritually aligned place.
Show Notes:
Laura always knew that she could read people, but learned in college that she had a special gift for intuition
We all have the ability to be intuitive, we only need to learn how to access it
Take time to clean out your thoughts and engage in your own telepathy, ask yourself "Who is in my head right now?" and that often helps tell you whose energy you're absorbing and need to clear
Embodiment is learning to be full and active in our true selves, and really inhabiting ourselves
Embodiment also requires us to release inaccurate beliefs of others about us
We have the power to change our internal dialog with others, and it can powerfully impact our relationships to help us get the results we want
Website: lauraday.com
Instagram: @lauradayintuit
Read: The Circle
Read: Practical Intuition
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Be Well By Kelly is a production of Crate Media